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At Folilflex cables , we supply multi strand cables of grade copper. These cables are designed to provide smooth conductivity and maximum safety. They guarantee easy stripping and minimum losses. The high tensile strength of PVC insulation makes these cables have a good load capacity. We formulate cables with PVC to ensure NO SPREAD OF FIRE. Also, high insulation resistance and volume resistivity ensure no current leakage. Our cables are durable, oil-resistant and are coated with thin skin-colored PVC Foliflex housing cables India.


A number of tiny wires are bundled together to produce a single thick conductor in the Multi-strand wires. Compared to single-strand wires with the same cross-sectional surface, multistrand wires are more pliable. When you require a greater resistance to metal fatigue, the multistranded wires come in handy.

For multi-strand cables the rigidity of single-strand wires is not appropriate, as with circuit boards, multi-strand wires are utilized.

Because of the skin effect, which occurs when current passes over the wire’s outer surfaces, single-strand cables are more likely to lose power. Since each strand’s surface area is more important than that of a single strand, multi-strand wires can lessen the skin effect.

In the case of regular stranded wires, when the strands are twisted to form a single core, it might not be accurate.

Since copper is not the only material used in the cross-section, multi-strand cables also have higher resistance. The high resistance is also attributed to the air gaps that exist between the strands.

Because of the spaces between the various strands, a multi-strand wire has a greater overall diameter than a single-strand wire with the same electrical resistance and current capacity.

Lower AWG cables have thicker diameters, which continue to get thinner as the number increases. For instance, AWG 12, 14, or 26 are appropriate for telephone wire, but AWG 22, 24, or 26 are utilized for regular domestic wiring.

The standards for multistrand wires are the same as those for regular wires. The wires are made up of several strands that are gathered into a single core.

The strands might be composed of various materials, such aluminum or copper. Outside insulation consisting of rubber, plastic, or other materials like PVC covers them. The proximity effect can be significantly lessened by occasionally providing distinct insulation for each strand of the wire.

The amperage a conductor can transport before the insulation or core melts is represented by the current carrying capability of wires. The amount of heat generated in a conductor by an electrical current dictates how much electricity it can carry.

The size of the conductor, the surrounding temperature, the kind of conductor insulation, and the quantity of strands are some of the variables that affect the current capacity. The multistrand wire’s current capacity will also be impacted by the installation circumstances.
